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Web Tools for Twitter and Facebook

by John the Wanderer

Web Tools for Twitter and Facebook


I tend to post a fair amount on Facebook and Twitter. Some of the posts are stories and links to the blog and others are responses to messages I see from other people’s feeds. I also frequently use Twitter for communication and customer service with airlines and hotels. I have found the service available via Twitter to be exceptional.

I currently use TweetDeck in order to manage my Twitter feed and do some of my posts. I also use the Twitter app on my phone. For Facebook I tend to use the regular Facebook page.

I know there are tools out there to manage content such as Hootsuite and Everypost. I do not have much experience with these as the free versions are pretty limited.

I know that Hootsuite seems to be the standard for managing the posts but at $9.99 a month it seems a bit much when I can use TweetDeck for free. Hootsuite adds the Facebook and Instagram connection as well but I am not sure that that is worth it.

I am curious what program or app you use? What do you like best about it? Should I just bite the bullet and pay the annual fee for Hootsuite or can I continue using Tweetdeck?



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