Home » Flying American Airlines DCA MSP

Flying American Airlines DCA MSP

by John the Wanderer
a bus parked in a parking lot

American Airlines DCA MSP

Trip Details

Date: Friday, August 5, 2016

Flight: American 4642

From: Washington DC – DCA

To: Minneapolis – MSP

Aircraft: E175

Seat: 1A

Airport Experience

I received an upgrade on the flight from DCA to MSP about 100 hours before the flight.

My first flight arrived in one concourse and the flight to Minneapolis was scheduled to leave from the other concourse.

I approached the boarding area for the bus that connects the two concourses. An agent was present at the door and she asked what gate my flight departed. I said 42 and she invited me to board the bus.

American Airlines DCA MSP

I walked down on the tarmac and boarded the bus. The bus departed within two or three minutes of me boarding and there was a short ride over to the other concourse.

Once the bus arrived, the staff invited the passengers to exit the bus and make their way up the stairs into the terminal.


American Airlines DCA MSP

I located the gate and I arrived about one minute before the scheduled boarding time. The gate agent announced that boarding would be delayed as they were waiting on the flight crew that was coming in on the flight at the next gate.

About 20 minutes later, boarding began. A gate agent greeted me when I reached the front of the line. After I scanned my boarding pass he thanked me and invited me on the airplane.

The airplane was an E175 and was clean and in good condition. I selected seat 1A which to many is the most popular seat on the plane due to the extra leg room and privacy.

The flight attendants greeted the passengers as they boarded. The flight attendants did not offer a pre-departure beverage on the flight.

Boarding completed quickly and the flight attendants prepared the cabin for departure.

There was a short taxi and then the plane was up in the air.

In Flight Experience

Once the plane reached the cruising altitude, the flight attendants walked around to each seat in the first class cabin and offered a drink choice. When they greeted me, I requested water. The flight attendant asked if I wanted ice. I declined and she thanked me.

About five minutes later, the flight attendant served the water in a clean glass.

American Airlines DCA MSP

Once all the passengers in the cabin received their drinks, the flight attendant presented the snack basket and offered a choice. This basket had chips, apple chips, popcorn, blueberry fig bars, nuts and cookies.

I selected the fig bar and coconut granola cookies.

American Airlines DCA MSP

The fig bar tasted great. The fig bar tasted like fresh blueberries and figs. The cookie tasted great also.

The flight attendants provided the beverage service to the economy cabin after everyone in first class was served the drinks and the snack basket.

After the service was complete, the flight attendant returned to the first class cabin and removed the used glasses and offered more beverages.

The flight lasted a little over two hours.

Shortly before landing, the flight attendants prepared the cabin.


The flight departed about 30 minutes later than the scheduled time but it landed only 15 minutes late.

After a short taxi, the plane reached a gate and the passengers were able to deplane.

The flight attendant greeted me at the door and she thanked me and wished me a good night.


The flight was good and the time went by quickly. The flight attendants provided efficient service and they were both friendly and polite. I enjoyed the snacks during the flight.

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