Home » Weekend Mileage Run Trip Report – American Air – Los Angeles to Phoenix

Weekend Mileage Run Trip Report – American Air – Los Angeles to Phoenix

by John the Wanderer
a sign on a wall

Los Angeles to Phoenix on American – 

I recently took a mileage run weekend trip which originally included going cross country to New York and back; however, due to the East Coast Snowstorm, it ended up being two nights in San Francisco.

The trip report will cover the following posts:

Weekend Mileage Run Trip Report – Introduction

Weekend Mileage Run Trip Report – American Air – Minneapolis to Dallas Fort Worth

Weekend Mileage Run Trip Report – American Admiral’s Club DFW C19

Weekend Mileage Run Trip Report – American Air Dallas Fort Worth to Los Angeles

Weekend Mileage Run Trip Report – American Air – Los Angeles to San Francisco

Weekend Mileage Run Trip Report – Grand Hyatt San Francisco Hotel

Weekend Mileage Run Trip Report – Sightseeing in San Francisco

Weekend Mileage Run Trip Report – Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport Hotel

Weekend Mileage Run Trip Report – American Admiral’s Club at San Francisco Airport

Weekend Mileage Run Trip Report – American Air – San Francisco to Los Angeles

Weekend Mileage Run Trip Report – American Admiral’s Club at LAX T4

Weekend Mileage Run Trip Report – Alaska Airlines Boardroom at LAX T6

Weekend Mileage Run Trip Report – American Air – Los Angeles to Phoenix

Weekend Mileage Run Trip Report – American Air – Phoenix to Minneapolis


Weekend Mileage Run Trip Report – American Air – Los Angeles to Phoenix

Flight: American Airlines 0680

From: Los Angeles – LAX

To: Phoenix – PHX

Aircraft: 757

Seat: 12E

My flight from Los Angeles to Phoenix was operated out of Terminal 6. Terminal 6 is shared with Alaska, Delta and United. It is accessed via underground tunnels that connect terminal 4/5/6.

I followed the signs near and took the stairs down to the lower level.

Los Angeles to Phoenix on American



























The tunnels were a medium size hallway. Signs were present noting the way to go between the terminals. There were also airport history messages on displays along the walls during the walk.

Los Angeles to Phoenix on American



























The walk between the terminals took approximately six minutes with me walking quickly.

The area between terminal 5 and terminal 6 was decorated in Delta colors and appeared more welcoming then the tunnel between terminal 4 and 5 which was more basic white walls.

Los Angeles to Phoenix on American

Los Angeles to Phoenix on American





















































Once I exited the tunnels and accessed terminal 6 I located the gate and found that the inbound aircraft had not yet arrived despite the fact that the signs stated that boarding had began.

The airplane arrived approximately 15 minutes before the scheduled departure time for the flight.

Once everyone was off the airplane, boarding began and it was about five minutes before the scheduled departure time. The flight information screens as well as the app still noted that the flight was on time and it was never updated.

Los Angeles to Phoenix on American




























When boarding began, I joined the line when Executive Platinum members were invited to board. When I reached the front of the line, the gate agent greeted me and asked me to scan my boarding pass. After I scanned it, the gate agent informed me that I had an exit row seat and she asked if I was willing to assist in the event of an emergency. I said that I was and she thanked me and invited me to board.

Los Angeles to Phoenix on American



























The aircraft boarded from Door 2 which was located directly across from my Exit Row seat. I was able to store my back pack in the seat in front of me and I had a lot of leg room.Los Angeles to Phoenix on American Los Angeles to Phoenix on American

Los Angeles to Phoenix on American















































































The aircraft was a 757 with overhead video screens but no power ports or WiFi.

Los Angeles to Phoenix on American




























Boarding continued and it was complete about 20 minutes after the scheduled departure time for the flight. The flight status was never updated and the app still showed the flight being on time.

The cabin was prepared for take off. The safety video was displayed. It had the normal American Air beginning; however, the actual demonstration part appeared to be the US Airways version rather than the American one. It was a pleasant change from the same old safety video I was used to on American.

A flight attendant asked for everyone seated in the exit row to give her attention where she informed us about the safety card and she asked for verbal approval from each passenger that they would assist in the event of an emergency. The flight attendant thanked everyone after they gave her their approval.

There was a short taxi before the flight was airborne.

Once in the air, the Captain made an announcement about the journey followed by other messages from the flight attendants.

A beverage service was offered in the cabin. When the flight attendant reached my chair she greeted me and asked what she could bring me. I requested a Coca-Cola. The flight attendant prepared it and served it with a cocktail napkin. The flight attendant did not offer a complimentary cocktail or snack and they did not appear to be offering any snacks on the flight. As an Executive Platinum seated in couch, one of the benefits allows for a free cocktail and snack. It was a short flight so I was not worried about it and I did not inquire about it.

Los Angeles to Phoenix on American



























The flight attendants returned and removed the used cups and trash at the conclusion of the beverage service.

The cabin was prepared for landing and the flight attendants invited the passengers to check flight connections once the airplane landed by using the American app as WiFi was not offered on that aircraft.

Once the plane landed, the flight attendants made an announcement for passengers because several had very tight connections and they asked others to allow those passengers to deplane first.

There was a short taxi before the plane arrived at a gate in the A concourse.

The flight attendants thanked the passengers as they departed the plane. The flight attendant wished me a good day and she smiled and made eye contact with me.

Overall it was a good flight. It was annoying that the flight status was not updated to reflect the delay on the flight. Surprisingly the app showed that the inbound aircraft was delayed but the flight status remained “on time.” I felt that the flight attendants in the economy cabin were polite and they provided efficient service.

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